About Us
News wire lab press release solutions

We understand that all market landscapes evolve. Although we do have a mature and well tested infrastructure, we continue to develop new products. We have hard to get agreements with many new and media organizations along with in-house developers and media specialist. As a result, we outperform many of our competitors.

We started building our infrastructure 2003 as a digital agency. As marketers we saw great opportunity in promoting our clients business using press. At the same time, we noticed it was to difficult and too expensive. So we set out to build a system that is robust in its behind the scenes operation, but simple and easy for our customers to use.
The NextGen TM Press Release is our latest product developed to address a clear need. Media and media consumption continues to diversify. To target PRs to sufficient users across this vastness of modern media, a new way of thinking was required. The NextGen TM Press Release uses video, audio, and new visual ways and recreates your PR to reach more customers.